Our Services
Holy Family Catholic Church in Luling, LA offers regular Sunday services every week. Our doors are always open for new members to join our community. Whether you are from out of town or are looking to make a change in your life, we invite you to join us and learn more about the saving love of Jesus Christ. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday or Sunday.
Worship Hours:
Saturday Vigil
4:00 PM
9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM
(6:00 PM is discontinued May 27 – September 8)
8:30 AM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Wednesdays, with 8:30 PM communion service
Holy Days
4:30 PM (Vigil)
6:00 PM (Feast Day)
Baptisms: Parents wishing to have a child baptized should call the Parish Office for information on the baptism procedure. Please follow these steps in order:
1 – Call to receive our Baptism packet
2 – Has to have attended a baptism seminar within the last 3 years
3 – Meet with Father John to discuss and finalize the baptism date
Confessions: Saturdays, 2:45 PM – 3:30 PM and by appointment.
Matrimony: Arrangements must be made with priest at least six months prior to wedding.
Communion for the Sick: Please call the Parish Office when someone is unable to attend Mass for any length of time.